Monday, March 14, 2011

End in sight (sort of)

My journey with National Board Certification is about to hit a significant milestone - the dreaded March 31st deadline. I will be mailing a carboard board to San Antonio, Texas. The contents? My worth as a teacher. Well, not really, but a heck of a lot of work. About 100 pgs. of work and 2 DVDs of taped lessons that prove (hopefully) my master teaching. I have cried, screamed, and pushed through the work (sounds like child birth). Evan has been patient & supportive every step of the way. I have had a few friends that have been my cheerleaders through the process providing me with encouraging notes and laughs to alleviate the stress. I hope to pass the 1st time, which is not the outcome for most candidates. Even if I don't, I know that I can do something this difficult, which is lesson I needed to remind myself of. I feel like I've gained a greater appreciation for free time which I will have in abundance after March 31st. Upon mailing my package, I will hit another significant milestone - turning 30 on April 3rd. So, what will I do to celebrate? VEGAS! More to come on that adventure...